Magical Date Night — Be Gone Fatigue, Responsibility & Chores, It’s Time To Party

ImageDate night with hubby out of the house is almost like having Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother wave her wand providing a dress, coach and encouragement in my world.  We are transplants to Florida and don’t know enough people well enough to leave them with our rambunctious 1 year old twin boys.  Usually date night consists of a special meal with a glass of wine and a movie compliments of HBO’s On Demand.  Honestly though, most nights include wine anyway and I am a movie buff watching a few throughout the week, the difference is that on date night hubby leaves the movie on for the duration resisting his urge as a male to flip through all of the channels that our digital cable service offers and I might have two glasses of wine.

My mom was our Fairy Godmother last night encouraging us to go out.  Hubby had been invited to a co-worker’s party in downtown Orlando so off we went.  Ignoring the urge to simply stay on the couch once the boys were down for the night and enjoy the comfort of our home we rallied, got prettied up and hopped in the car.

I am a mom.  I had nothing to wear.  I know that men hear this all of the time and think that women are crazy, however I truly had nothing to wear.  I have recently started working out, but the exercise has not alerted certain parts of my body that they should stay flat or perk up.  Plus, it ends up that the weather was going to plummet into the 30s while we were out (we live in Florida!).   I needed something warm and sexy to flatter my new mom body.  I love a challenge.  I dug up a pink sweater that I bought while we were still in Jersey which I believe is flattering.  I have attached the picture so you be the judge.  Hubby looked great, as usual.  I married well on many levels and am still delighted by how good my man looks.

We got to the bar where the party was supposed to be and lo-and-behold nobody was there.  This was actually the best part of the night.  We got to explore different bars on our own terms.  I had two great drinks.

The first bar, The Fifth, is cool with fancy ceilings, fancy streets, uniformed bartenders, framed flat screens, great retro music and is topped off by being filled with hipsters ranging from the older end of young through middle age.

The next bar, NV, is tremendous.  If you blink you will miss it and that is why I love it.  It is a small, dark hole in the wall with wicked strong drinks (nothing girly- a patron asked for an Amaretto Sour and was told that they don’t carry sweet things like that), local art work on the walls, repeat patrons, cool female bartenders that can make a real drink.  The DJ is on point and even the restrooms are stylized.  It reminded hubby and I of some of our favorite haunts in NYC.  We reminisced about the past.  We looked forward to the future.  And, as parents, we spent a lot of time talking about our little ones while looking at their pictures on our iPhones.

With our two drinks drunk we headed back home making it back just before 1am stopping only to pick up the food of the gods (at least to me at that time), Mickey Ds hamburger happy meal for me and 6 piece nuggets for hubby.  The boys were great.  Our Fairy Godmother — er, Mom was up waiting for us (Thanks, Mom!).  Had a great time!  Glad that we did not tempt fate and have that third drink because the babies still woke up at their usual time wanting clean diapers, food, love and fun.  I am a little hazy from the previous night, but happy to create more great memories with hubby and ecstatic to kiss and hug my little angels.


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2 responses to “Magical Date Night — Be Gone Fatigue, Responsibility & Chores, It’s Time To Party

  1. Moms need a night out too.You look adorable in that sweater.My daughter has twins and I know sometiims it is easier to stay home and chill,but isn’t it fun to get dressed up and go especially when you have a great sitter.

    • Thank you for the compliment! I am taking it! I will go shopping soon for some new duds though. Yes, it felt wonderful to get out for some alone time with hubby! I know you must love all your grandkids. Every time my mom goes back home the boys are in a bit of a shock because she is not in town to spoil them – LOL. Happy New Year!

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