Category Archives: Blogging

Writing: It Isn’t Always Easy!


Some things in life are hard to swallow.  Things that are good for us, we don’t want.  Things that we have to work for, we are tempted to give up because they are not easy.

I know that the home-made organic sweet potato baby food that I make for my twins is healthy, nutritious and tasty.  My oldest one eats it up, smacking his mouth happily and opening wide for more.  My youngest one, shown in the picture above, wants nothing to do with it.  One of my affectionate nick names for him is ‘my little glutton’ because he drinks until he spits up and then he wants more.  The baby food will not only help his little body to grow providing beneficial nutrients, but it will also help to satisfy his appetite so that he will — for once in his life — know what it is like to feel full.  My little one, who gnaws on his brother’s hand, his brother’s head and attempts to eat his own feet, will not even open his mouth if there is a spoon near it containing yummy goodness.  I have also tried to feed him rice cereal and avocado to no avail.

I think that he does not want to eat simply because it is something different, it is not easy to chew food (especially if you have never done it before) and what he has done in the past by drinking from mommy and bottles has worked pretty well.

What do my little one’s eating habits have to do with writing?

Writing used to be very easy for me BTT, Before The Twins.  I have always been a slow and deliberate writer, but I was always able to produce something more than decent given half a day or more.  Now that my life is different I have to approach things in a different way.  Clearly, I do not have uninterrupted blocks of time and often lose my train of thought.  I do have drive, desire and talent.  I know that I can write.   I just need to learn how to do it a different way.  This is very humbling for someone who has always been commended on the unique way she presents the written word sans any additional instruction or tools.

Instead of trying to do the things that I am currently doing again and again with no result (definition for insanity), I am going back to the basics.  I am reading books on writing.  The same way that I pray for God to bless the food for my babies, I ask Him to bless my efforts in honing my writing skills.  I am setting goals for myself (realistic goals!).  I am working on my craft and figuring out how to integrate this into my new life.  Back to basics.

It is hard.

It is not easy to chew.

It is beneficial and nutritious to my craft.

I am inspired.  I have a plan.  I am writing.  I am happy!

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Filed under Blogging, Family, Writing

Keep It Real – Personal Blog Advice

I have been blogging for only a few days and have had the pleasure of acquiring a few Followers (Thanks, Guys!). While learning about Word Press I discovered the Stats section and immediately became hooked.  All of a sudden my blog, which is really just a way to ensure that I have grown up thoughts (and proof of those thoughts) at some point throughout my day, became about seeing if anyone read my posts.  Did they like what I wrote?  Did they like me?  What should I do in order to drive more traffic to my site?  Most people like my posts on blogging, should I write only about that?  I posted something that inspired me from God’s Word the other day, am I alienating people?

Then I read Lick The Fridge’s  post today which brought me back to reality.  This is my personal blog.  It is a representation of who I am.  I should not and will not be hesitant to post something because it may offend people or not be popular.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I had two other blogs that I did not update and eventually just neglected.  I believe that the reason I neglected these sites is because I was attempting to write for other people in a way that was foreign to myself.  I would like to be a writer.  I am simple, blunt and no nonsense.  I would love to be able to write with flowery fanciful words,  but this is not me and to try to do so just comes across as insincere, flat and boring.

All writers say that you must write and write and write in order to be ‘a writer’.  This is the way in which I choose to write publicly while I work on my craft.  I am not trying to be perfect.

I suggest that you take a look at: Fine, Don’t Read, See If I Care on Lick The Fridge’s Blog.  Look past the profanity to the heart of his post.  It is so true.

Lick The Fridge also recommended a must read humorous article by Brown Road Chronicles that is awesome and that I must now recommend!

Enough with the numbers and stats and what country are the people from who frequent my blog.  Don’t get distracted.  Keep it simple.  Keep it real.  Write what you want the way you want for you.


Filed under Blogging