Tag Archives: weight loss

Turning The Corner of Weight Loss

Ground hog day is over.  I have finally lost a pound!  I know, I know, big whoop, but when you do not lose one single pound in over three months after gaining over 60 pounds during pregnancy, trust me, this is great news!  I was not one of those women who lost a lot of weight after giving birth.  I only lost 15 pounds and this includes the 10 pounds combined birth weights of my little boys. The first 2 1/2 months the weight literally fell off of me.  All I had to do was breathe and woo hoo I lost a little more.

Then the weight loss stopped — came to a screeching halt, would be a more accurate description.  Since I was cleared to work out by my doctor I started doing some light exercises and stretching.  I have never dieted before, mainly because I never needed to.  I was always a healthy eater, plenty of veggies, fruits, water and a disdain for processed foods and beverages.  I enjoyed working out and have been involved in some sort of sport or dance since I was 6 years old.  This was new territory for me.

Four months after giving birth, I looked like I was 5 months pregnant (with a single baby, not with twins at least- still I looked pregnant).  I did not experience post partum depression but I absolutely hated my new body.  I would cry when I looked in the mirror, which I avoided like the plague.  The lack of change in my body was especially frustrating because I was working out 5 days a week with exercise programs on t.v. and online exercise plans.  I started a portion control eating plan.  Since I was breastfeeding (still am) I could not diet using appetite suppressants and such. I was diligent in all of my efforts for 2 months which is no small feat with two little ones.  Every week sometimes sever times a week I would step on the scale and it was the same.  Then I gave up for a week and ate what I wanted to in whatever quantities I felt like, and guess what – nothing happened.  My weight was stuck hard at 162 pounds.

After two weeks of eating recklessly I did manage to see a change on the scale, obviously, in the wrong direction.  I gained two pounds which I lost right away when I resumed my portion control diet.

Message boards on the Bump listed tons of women who claim that after they lost weight, they a) were either back in their pre-pregnancy clothes within 2 weeks, b) had nurses and doctors alike exclaim how they had never seen someone snap back to their pre-pregnancy body while STILL IN THE HOSPITAL AFTER DELIVERY (For real, I kid you not) or c) had definitely lost all but 5 pounds of the baby weight within 4 months after birthing their little ones.

Four months after I gave birth all I had was consolation from my mom and my hubby.  Mommy said, “It takes 9 months to have a baby and it will take 9 months to get back.”  Hubby said, “Listen to your mother,” and, “You look beautiful.”  See why I love them so much!  At this point the weight did not bother me so much as the shape of my body did.  I hate, hate, HATE having a belly!!!!

Five months after giving birth I became convinced that I had some rare condition that caused my uterus to swell unnaturally.  I can laugh now, but I was dead serious then.  Hubby even cosigned me getting a tummy tuck if I wanted one.  To make matters even worse, I had to select a travel wardrobe for a trip that we are taking later this summer.  Everything that I ordered or tried on looked terrible or was not available in the larger size that I need.

Two weeks ago I got my first iPhone.  I also got the My Fitness Pal App (My Fitness Pal is free and has a website also) and downloaded Jillian Michael’s 30 day Shred to my phone.  My goal is to lose 1/2 pound a week.  I can’t do anything too drastic because I am still breastfeeding.  I take the boys on a 45 -60 minute walk at a brisk pace 2 – 3 times a week and I do at least 2 of Jillian Michael’s work outs a week.  I have finally lost weight.  My scale registered at 160.8 and I am so pleased!  Even more than the weight loss is the fact that I am losing inches in my waist!!!

My boys will be 6 months old next weekend.  I can’t wait to see how much I weigh then!  I have to return a dress that I got in the mail because it is too big!!!  One pound is just a start but it means that I am on my way!  A little hunger, a lot of sweat and tons of patience are steps in the right direction toward being the Hot Mom On The Block.

I hope that this helps new moms struggling to lose weight.  You are not alone.  There is hope.  You just have to find what works for you — this includes getting a wardrobe that will fit you right now.  I will post pics of my new self once I get to my goal weight!

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